The Javascript Tracking API is the primary way to get data into Woopra from your website or product. The API code is loaded in the browser as the result of running the Javascript Snippet.

To use and master this simple but crucial API, perform the below tasks to understand Woopra's tracking methodology and concepts:

  • Learn about the snippet and how to place it appropriately in your code.
  • Determine what should go in your tracker config and place a call to woopra.config() right under your snippet. At the minimum, this must include your project name.
  • Learn the woopra.track() function, and how to use it to track your own Custom Events. This may include determining what events are important for your business to track. See What do I track?.
  • Learn the woopra.identify() function, and how to use it to set visitor properties on visitor profiles. Also, learn how Woopra associates return sessions with previously-seen visitors using Unique Identifiers and Profile Merging.
    The Woopra JavaScript tracking code is designed for easy customization. It can be tailored to identify website visitors and track any custom user actions across your website or application.

The functions available return the Woopra tracking object in the browser, so you can chain methods:

window.woopra.identify('[email protected]').track('my_event', {
  eventProp1: 'event prop value'