Generated Event Properties
These are the Built in Fields or Properties of Events. This data is associated with an Event.
Field Key | Field Name | Field Description |
~m | Event Time | Timestamp In Unix converted to milliseconds. |
~p | App | Tracking app/SDK name. Default is js.client. |
~s | Is secure | Event was tracked over Https or SSL. |
~u | Event Duration | Duration in seconds when applicable (Woopra automatically generates duration for page views) |
~z | Event Type | could be passive(value is 1) or generated(value is 2) or default (undefined) |
~y | Event ID | Universal unique event identifier. |
~i | Is the first event in session | Value is 1 if this is the first event in this session. Not set/ Undefined otherwise. |
~o | Is the last event in session | Value is 1 if this is the last event in this session. Not set / Undefined otherwise. |
~d | Subdomain | Subdomain of the event url - Automatically generated for page views. |
Scroll Depth | The percentage of the page that the user has viewed. |
Event Types Defined
- Generated Event Types: These are system event such as property updates, label join, label leave. These events are automatically flagged as "Generated."
- Passive Event Types: Developers can choose to flag event as "Passive." These are typically serverside Events or background events that are tracked on the user's behalf.
- Default Event Types: Anything not "Generate" or marked as "Passive" will be Default Event Types. These include pageviews, download, outgoing.
Updated 11 months ago