An ever-growing list of words with special meanings in Woopra
Event: (proposed differentiate from event) An event is an automated trigger or other Woopra engagement tool that can be or has been run for a user.
Automations: Automations are part of Woopra's engagement layer. They are set up ahead of time and then run either in real-time on an individual user basis--like SMS triggers--or they run on a schedule and perform some event on a number of users at once--like adding people to an email marketing list.
Dynamic Fields: Special kind of user data which is defined as a formula rather than a static value. The value is calculated each time data about a user is queried. These allow you to have constantly changing information about a user in their profile. For example, the number of visits to your website in the past week can be a dynamic field, but it would not work as a static one. See User Properties.
Engagement Layer: Woopra's engagement layer is the part of the Woopra system that allows Woopra users to actually interact with their users and user data. Real time triggers, and scheduled batches are examples of Automations. There are also non-automated parts of the engagement layer such as exports.
Event (proposed differentiate from event): An event is a specific instance of tracked activity of a user. For instance a pageview is an event that Woopra commonly tracks. Events are one of Woopra's three main data scopes.
Identify: The concept of identification in Woopra refers to setting properties in the user data scope, that is, on a user's profile. There are methods in the tracking SDKs to accomplish this, and they are usually called identify()
. This term can also be used to specifically refer to sending woopra.identify() in your track requests in order to make sure you don't get split profiles.
Scheduled Batch: A scheduled batch is an automation that runs at an interval and makes a query to find a list of people. It then performs some engagement layer event on these people, such as Syncing them to an external contact list.
Scheduled Report: A scheduled report is a Woopra report that is run at an interval and sent to an email address or perhaps uploaded to dropbox or google drive. EX: daily signups report, weekly page views, etc.
Scope: Data scopes are essentially kinds of data. Woopra has three data scopes: user (people), user (session), and event (events).
Split Profiles: Refers to a situation in which a single person is tracked in a Woopra account on multiple occasions, and has more than one profile in Woopra. Split profiles are generally caused by lack of identify
calls in the tracking code.
Static Fields: A static field is a user property that has a value that does not change unless changed. See User Properties.
Trigger: A trigger is an event in the woopra engagement layer that runs in real time for one user at a time. EX: you can set up a trigger to show a particular web survey to anyone who engages with a given feature on your website.
Visit: A visit is also known as a session. It represents a group of events that have happened in a given amount of time, usually on the same device and ideally, in one "sitting" on the part of the user.
User: A user is a person who is tracked in Woopra. Other systems call them users, people, contacts, etc.
Updated about 1 year ago