System User Schema

AIRIS automatically comes with the system user schema listed below. You can find them in Configure > User Schema.

Field KeyField NameDescription
recent_regionMost Recent RegionThe user's most recent region.
actions_90_dActions Last 90 daysThe number of event in the last 90 days.
visits_90_dVisits Last 90 DaysThe number of visits in the last 90 days.
nameNameThe user's name.
companyCompanyThe user's company name.
timespent_90_dTime Spent Last 90 DaysThe user's time spent in the last 90 days.
unique_ipsUnique IP AddressesThe number of unique IP addresses used by the user.
recent_countryMost Recent CountryThe user's most recent country.
recent_cityMost Recent CityThe user's most recent city.
last_seenLast SeenThe user's last seen time.
onlineOnlineThe user's online status.
avg_session_screensAvg Screens per SessionThe average number of screens the user scrolls through during a session.
avg_session_lengthAvg Session LengthThe average time the user spends on your app in one session.
stickinessStickinessThe percentage of days the user used your app that month. A stickiness ratio of 50% means that the user is using your app 15 out of 30 days that month.