For Pro Plan users, you can setup Automations and Triggers based on a user event or event. You can find Automations by going to the Automate tab on the top of the Woopra homepage. Automations allow you to setup Triggers, Scheduled Batches, and Scheduled Reports.
Triggers can be a valuable tool when users visit your webpage or app. Maybe you want to trigger an email or run some specific script when a user completes a specific task. Triggers will allow you to automate these events.
Schedule Batches allow you to setup events to be taken on custom Segments. For example, you can setup a weekly email to be sent to a specific Segment or group of people.
_Scheduled Reports _are used to automate delivering a report that you have built to a specific emails or other file sharing services. For example, instead of signing into Woopra on a daily basis for a single report, you can easily schedule that report to be sent at regular intervals to your email.
Updated about 1 year ago