What Method to use?

Which method should you use?

Woopra will use the email address or specified internal ID to consolidate your user profiles, across all domains. But that's unlikely to be the case for most of Woopra customers who run their business on multiple domains.

If your users are being identified on each of your domains, then there is no need for you to over-complicate your configuration with cross-domain tracking.

If your users are not getting identified on each of your domains, there are three questions we need to ask:

1. Are all my domains sharing the same main domain?

This is the typical subdomain use case and it's the easiest to solve.
You will simply need to update the woopra.config() to store the users cookie on your main project domain.

So, if your main domain is mybusiness.com (http://mybusiness.com/) and you have content on subdomains such as docs.mybusiness.com, app.mybusiness.com (http://app.mybusiness.com/) and status.mybusiness.com, you should use the Sub-domain tracking method.

2. Are users navigating between those domains by clicking on links that lead to the other domain?

If this is the case, we recommend using the URL decoration method, which is built into the Woopra tracker configuration, or your woopra.config().

In this instance, the URL Decoration method is most reliable because it will transfer the cookie value to the end of the query string of the new domain. Woopra will then automatically grab this cookie value from the URL and store it in the new domain.

3. Are users anonymous and not likely to navigate between multiple domains?**

If your users are always anonymous and are not likely to navigate between multiple domains (that's a common case for publishers who have different domains), then we recommend using the 3rd-party cookie method.


Enterprise Only

This method is only available to our enterprise customers. Contact sales@woopra.com to learn more.

This method should be your final option to use, since it tends to be less accurate than the other solutions. Based on the industry benchmarks, this method will work for about 60% of the users on the web, depending on whether the 3rd-party cookies are enabled in your user's browsers.

Chrome, which is the most popular browser, has that feature enabled by default. The last version of Safari that is shipped with the macOS High Sierra has 3rd-party cookies automatically blocked, so this option will not work for new Safari users.

This is everything you need to know to begin tracking your domains. Storing your analytics in one place allows you to understand your entire customer journey, and allows for more complete and reliable insights.